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cover illustration of penguins

How To Succeed Under Any Condition

Set the Stage
1. Create a Sense of Urgency.
2. Pull Together the Guiding Team.

Decide What To Do
3. Develop the Change Vision and Strategy.

Make it Happen
4. Communicate for Understanding and Buy-in.
5. Empower Others to Act.
6. Produce Short-Term Wins.
7. Don’t Let Up.

Make it Stick
8. Create a New Culture.

The 8 Step
Change Process

Leading Bold Change

author John KotterOur World Is Changing and Your Business Must Change Now

Based on Harvard Professor John Kotter's bestseller "Our Iceberg Is Melting"

Program Overview

Since 1996 the best selling book Leading Change by John Kotter has helped thousands of individuals and organizations understand and implement change by defining a clear road map. Kotter has parlayed his research into a training program Leading Bold Change based on the fable “Our Iceberg Is Melting” and his 8 steps to “Successful Change.” The fable is about an emperor penguin colony in Antarctica. A curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threating their home (iceberg) and no one will listen to him. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, full of obstacles and the cleverest tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It is a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today.

Who Should Attend:

Anyone tasked with creating change
Leaders who need to embrace change and lead change in their business units.
All supervisors and managers who have teams undergoing change now or in the near future as a result of:


In this one-day fast-paced workshop, you will learn how to approach a change initiative and the 8 steps to successful change management. More specifically you will

Each individual or team will leave with a specific action plan that will guide them forward in a turbulent world.

Jim PantallProgram Faculty: Jim Pantall
Jim Pantall is a seasoned trainer and organizational development consultant with over 25 years experience in the areas of change management, leadership and management development, organization assessment, executive coaching, corporate culture, and performance management. He has been called upon for a number of different consulting assignments that help focus individuals and organizations achieve business goals, drive culture change, improve business processes, facilitate strategic plans, understand business acumen and align the organization.

Jim is a trainer and consultant for the Rutgers Institute for Management and Executive Development School of Business. Jim is well known for his fast paced, lively seminars and his audiences find him thought provoking, inspirational and fun. His clients describe him as having a passion for win-win thinking and a unique ability to propose innovative solutions.

Jim holds a Master of Science Degree in Organizational Dynamics, from the University of Pennsylvania. He attended the Human Resource Executive Development Program at Columbia University. In addition to being certified for the John Kotter course, he is also a certified instructor for Franklin Covey, Achieve Global, a certified Six Sigma Green Belt and a master trainer for DISC assessments.


For more information:
Contact us via email
or call: 856-225-6685

Dates: May 25, 2010

Duration: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

Costs: $495 

Location: aLoft Hotel
558 Fellowship Road
Mt Laurel, NJ 08054